The book of Song of Songs is a history of love in an excellent marriage revealing the progressive experience of an individual believer’s loving fellowship with Christ for the preparation of His bride; we need to have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord day by day. Amen! This week we come […]
An Affectionate and Spiritual Relationship with the Lord Prepares us to be His Bride
The New Jerusalem will be a Corporate Shulammite including all God’s Chosen People

The New Jerusalem will be a corporate Shulammite, including all of God’s chosen and redeemed people; God became man to court us and become like us, and we are becoming the same as He is in our loving relationship with Him to court Him for our married life together. Amen! The subject of the […]
We Keep God’s Courting Word by having a Responsive and Affectionate Love for Him

The entire Bible is a divine romance, and Song of Songs in particular is an abridged form of this romance between God and man; we need to keep God’s courting word by having a responsive and affectionate love for Him, loving Him as our Husband. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You! Most unbelievers and […]
Taking Christ as our Husband by having a Personal and Affectionate Relationship with Him

We must take, experience, and enjoy Christ as our Husband by having a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord. Our destiny, as seen in Rev. 21-22, is that we will be the bride of Christ, the wife of God for eternity; He will be our Husband and we will be His wife. We see […]
Having a Pure Life Trusting in God with an Affectionate Love for the Lord Jesus

Psalm 45 is the highest and greatest of all the psalms, and it is a song of love according to the melody of “lilies” praising Christ as the King in Himself, in the church as His queen, and in the overcomers as His princes. It was written by the sons of Korah; Korah himself was […]
Six Simple Ways to Cooperate with Christ’s Goings Forth in Our Being

Christ’s goings forth are from eternity (Micah 2:5) and onto the bridge of time (John 1:1, 14), and eventually He will go forth with all His believers into eternity forever (John 1:51). If you look at the history of man, you will see how Christ came out of eternity into time through incarnation, how He […]
being romantic Christians by loving the Lord personally and affectionately

The Bible is a book of romance, and both the Old Testament and the New Testament are written as espousal covenants. God loves man and courts man, and He desires to have man espoused to Him to be His counterpart. We can see this in every book of the Bible, especially in the prophets and […]