The glory of God filled the tabernacle and the temple; glory is an attribute of God, for glory is the expression of God, and in the tabernacle, we see that the cloud covered the Tent of Meeting and the glory of God filled the tabernacle. This week we come to the fourth and final […]
The Cloud Covered the Tent of Meeting and the Glory of God Filled the Tabernacle
Advance in our Enjoyment of Christ to Reign in Life and Live Christ for His Magnification

We need to advance in our enjoyment of Christ until we reign in life and live Christ for His magnification. The root of all evil of the evil kings in 1 and 2 Kings was their forsaking God as the fountain of living waters and turning to idols as broken cisterns that hold no […]
Advancing in our Fellowship with the Lord to be a Companion of God knowing His Heart

Moses was the companion of God, for the Lord spoke to Moses face to face; he was intimate with God, being a person who knew God’s heart and having God’s presence to a full extent. We need to advance in our spiritual life by coming to the Lord as we are and from wherever we […]
Advancing in our Experience to have a Clear Sky and a Vision of God’s Heart Desire

In Exodus 24:1-18, after Moses has been in the glory of God for forty days being infused with God, receiving words and instructions from Him, God opened His heart to him to reveal to him what was hidden in His heart from eternity – the desire of His heart, the tabernacle, the building of God. […]