The church is the Body of Christ, and among all the churches that compose the one universal Body of Christ, there’s no organisation but there is the fellowship of the Body of Christ, which is universal and not merely local. The administration of the church may be local, but the fellowship is universal. Amen! In […]
Among the Churches we have the Fellowship of the Body of Christ, not Organization
Ten Crucial Points in the Administration of the Church for our Prayerful Consideration

In Paul’s writings and in his living we see ten crucial points in the administration of the church; we need to prayerfully consider these and allow the Holy Spirit to inscribe them in the tablets of our heart so that we may live in them. As we get into the word of God and in […]
As we Know the Lord More, the New Man is Renewed and Christ’s Image is Expressed

We were reconciled to God in the Body of Christ, and we have put on the new man who is being renewed daily; as we seek to know the Lord more and more, we are renewed and the new man comes into being practically. Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Tim. 3:15 concerning how to […]
Seeing the Crucial Points of the Lord’s Recovery of the Church in the Present Age

The desire of God’s heart is to gain the church, his corporate expression, but throughout the ages the church has become degraded; we need to see the crucial points of the Lord’s recovery of the church in the present age. The Lord has been working through the ages to recover His people back to His […]