The divine life, Christ Himself, is the essence of the church for its organic existence; Christ became the essence of the church through the release of the divine life, and we are the church as His increase, we are the many sons of God, and we are His multiplication. We need to look at the […]
Christ became the Essence of the Church through the Release and Impartation of His Life
The Church as Christ’s Counterpart Was Produced Through Christ’s Death and Resurrection

It is a great thing to see that God desires to gain a wife, a counterpart and that the entire Bible tells us what God has done, is doing, and will do to obtain her. Genesis 2 especially tells us the story of Adam and Eve as a type of Christ and the church. The […]
Seeing what God has Done to Obtain the Church as His Counterpart to Match Him

God desires to obtain a counterpart, someone who would match Him in every possible way and who loves Him to the uttermost. In order for God to produce such a complement for Himself, He did certain things. First of all, He created the heavens and the earth, the plants, the animals, and man. We see […]
Adam and Eve are a Type of Christ and the Church: “It is Not Good for God to Be Alone”

Adam and Eve in Genesis 2 are a type of Christ and the church (see Eph. 5:23-26). The real “man” in the universe is not Adam but Christ – Christ is the real universal Husband who is seeking a wife for Himself. Throughout the Bible we can see how God in Christ is courting man […]
God is Working Himself into Man to Obtain His Counterpart, the New Jerusalem

The final organic aspect and the consummation of God’s work in and with man is the wife, the counterpart. The final step of God’s procedure to obtain His goal is to work Himself into man to make man His counterpart and complement. God desires to have a wife, a counterpart, to match Him in every […]
women in the Old Testament typifying the church as Christ’s counterpart

In our love relationship with the Lord we are the wife, the female, and He is the Husband, the male. In the Old Testament there are several women that can be considered as a type of the church due to their marriage to certain men who were types of Christ. Paul himself expounded on people […]
the New Jerusalem is the Reflection and Consummation of the type in the Garden of Eden
The consummation of God’s salvation and the conclusion of the entire revelation in the Scriptures is the New Jerusalem! This week we are enjoying two particular aspects of the New Jerusalem – the Reflection & Fulfillment of the Divine Revelation concerning the Garden of Eden AND the Unique Goal of the Christian Work. The New […]