Because we are not absolutely for God, we need Christ as the burnt offering; only Christ lived a life absolutely for God, and this One is acceptable and pleasing to God, and as such a One He is in us to be our life enabling us to live the same kind of life today. […]
Because we’re Not Absolutely for God, we need to take Christ as our Burnt Offering
The Lord Jesus is the Unique Nazarite who enjoyed the Richest Grace and Sweetest Love

God’s desire is for all His people to be Nazarites, and the Lord Jesus is the unique Nazarite living in our spirit today! A Nazarite is a type of Christ in His living absolutely for God in His humanity by enjoying God as the richest grace and sweetest love to choose the good and reject […]
Christ Lived a Restricted Life for God’s Satisfaction – He is our Burnt Offering

The Lord Jesus is fully qualified to be the burnt offering, for, as John 7 and the entire Gospel of John reveals, He lived a restricted life, seeking the glory of God for God’s satisfaction. The burnt offering is the first offering mentioned in Leviticus because our main problem is not our sins but the […]
Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering, for We are Not Absolutely for God but Christ is

The burnt offering typifies Christ not mainly in His redeeming man from sin but in His living a life that is absolutely for God and in His being the life that enables us as His people to have such a living. The burnt offering is the first offering, and it was an offering that was […]
Principles of Worshipping God According to the Way Ordained by Him in His Word

In Exodus 20:22-26 God unveils to His redeemed people how they should worship Him; before this time, He has never revealed this to anyone – not even to Abraham, the friend of God. After God brought His people to mount Sinai and gave them the Ten Commandments, He revealed some specific things related to the […]
Daily Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering to Live a Life for God’s Satisfaction

After seeing a governing and controlling vision: the vision of Christ, the vision of the church as the Body of Christ, the vision of the self, and the vision of the world, this week we come to the vision of consecration. We may think we know what consecration is, but we need to be open […]