As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, we not only eat and drink Christ to partake of Him as our life and life supply, but we also abide in Him and become part of the tree of life, as branches in the vine. Wow, Hallelujah! […]
Abide in Christ, receive the Dispensing of Life, and Live as Part of the Tree of Life
Christ and the Believers form the Organism of the Triune God in the Divine Dispensing

As believers in Christ, we live in the Divine Trinity by abiding in Christ as the true vine; we are branches of Christ, the vine, and we need to abide in the vine so that we and Christ, the vine and the branches, would be the organism of the Triune God in the divine […]
The Father is the Source, Christ is the True Vine, we are the Branches, and the Spirit is the Reality

John 15 reveals four important matters: the Father as the husbandman (the farmer), the Son as the true vine, the Spirit of reality as the life sap flowing in the vine, and the Body of Christ as the many branches in the vine. John chapters 14-17 show us how we as believers in Christ […]
Christ as King will Reign on Earth with the Overcomers as His Helpers in the Kingship

I never thought that Psalm 45 is so much related to the way for us to be prepared as the bride of Christ, but this psalm is very high and wonderful, for in it we see the psalmist’ praise of the Lord as the King in Himself, in the church (as the queen), and in […]
Seeing, Praying for, and Becoming the Temple of God in the Divine and Mystical Realm

As believers in Christ, we are learning to live our human life by the divine life in our spirit; as we do the things we need to do in our daily living, we practice to daily live in the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit so that Christ may be expressed through us. […]
our mingled spirit is a spirit of faith and the way for us to abide in the Lord
Today, we are so privileged to know that the spirit of faith here refers to our spirit mingled with the Holy Spirit! Faith is not in our mind – rather, what we have in our mind what we have is just doubts. Faith is in our spirit because it is mingled with the Holy Spirit! We must exercise such a spirit of faith to believe and speak (see Psa. 116:19 and 2 Cor. 4:13). Faith is a reaction to the appearing of God, and it is absolutely of our spirit. In our spirit we can know God and it is here that we need to live a crucified life in resurrection, just like the apostles did for the carrying out of their ministry (see note 2 in 2 Cor. 4:13). [continue reading online]
our God desires to have a speaking people (sharing from the conference in Portugal)
God’s desire: The speaking God desires a speaking people. God created man in His image and His likeness so that man can express Him (“image”) and represent Him (“dominion”) (Gen 1:26) by speaking. I never really saw this aspect of speaking to express God and represent Him. I thought it is enough just to live Christ […]