We may have read the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth many times, but we may have never realized what is the hidden, intrinsic significance of these books; we may have never thought that we need to enjoy and gain Christ for Christ, and we need to take the good land and be the proper […]
Being the Overcomers who Gain Christ for Christ and bring Christ forth to Write God’s History
We write God’s Today’s history by being one with God in our Life, Living, and Doing

God’s history in man and with man continues today, and everything we do and say must be part of this history; we need to be one with God in His history, even writing God’s today’s history by being one with God in our living, daily walk, schooling, job, and business. We may read the Bible […]
Experiencing the Wind, Cloud, Fire, and Electrum to become the Four Living Creatures

The result of our experiencing God as the storm wind, the brooding cloud, and the consuming fire is that we are becoming His expression – the electrum; furthermore, we are becoming the four living creatures – we become full of life, living, active, coordinated, and much more! This week we will spend some time to […]
Question on Facebook: what do you love the most in the home meetings of the church?
what do you LOVE the most in the home meetings? What aspect of the home meeting you really enjoy? – here are some responses from what some saints on facebook have shared. You know, the homes are the God-ordained way for us to be – both humanly and spiritually – born, cared for, cherished, nourished, loved, shepherded, raised up, perfected, blended, trained, and even matured. We need the homes – not just the “home meetings”, but the homes of the saints. [read more online a wonderful sharing about the importance and sweetness of the homes in the church life]
seeing the reigning Christ as unveiled in Psalm 72 and choosing to take the way of the ministry
We may be touched by the Lord to be vital with the saints in our home meeting, or we may be involved in serving with the students and the young ones – but do we take the way of the ministry? As the Lord reveals it to us in His Word, do we take the way of being produced as ministers? We all need to pray, Lord, give me the experiences I need that will produce this ministry! There is a great price to pay even to produce a small measure of the Lord’s ministry. The Lord wants to have a group of brothers and sisters who have been broken, dealt with, consumed, crossed out, terminated, reconstituted, resurrected, and blended together – to produce the ministry!
being desperate before the Lord regarding our spiritual condition, we want to be made vital by Him – part of a vital group!
On the one hand, we are believers in the Lord pursuing Him personally, and on the other hand we are those who live a life for God’s purpose in the church life. We have seen a principle in the Bible, that is: the vital groups. We cannot just “live the church life” in a general […]
today God is calling for the overcomers, the ones in the vital groups, the reality of the Body of Christ
This weekend I was impressed with this call – God today calls the overcomers, those who are in the vital groups – the reality of the Body of Christ! Even from the beginning, when God created man, He wanted to have a personal relationship with him, fill him as life (see: the tree of life), […]