This week we are going into a more in-depth study – a prayerful study – of the vision of the building of God in its outstanding features as seen in Ezek. 40-48, and today we want to see more concerning the guardrooms, the porch, the entrance, the palm trees, and the chambers. I have to […]
The Spiritual Significance of the Guardrooms, Porch, and Chambers in God’s building
The Qualifications for Seeing a Vision of God’s Building as seen in Ezek. 40:1-4

The vision of God’s building in Ezek. 40-48 is the culmination and ultimate point of the book of Ezekiel, and for the prophet to have this vision, there were some qualifications; we need to see the qualifications for seeing the vision of God’s building. Ezekiel didn’t receive the vision of God’s building in chapter one […]
God’s Purpose is to have a Building as a Mingling of Himself with His Chosen People

This week in the morning revival we come to the last section of Ezekiel which focuses on God’s building; God’s eternal purpose is to have a building as a mingling of Himself with His chosen people, and all He does on earth is for His building. From the very beginning, when He created man, God […]
Being Fully for God’s House and Coordinated with the Saints to Build up the Church

The desire of God’s heart is to have a dwelling place on earth with man, and we as believers in Christ are God’s people who are doing the work of building up God’s house – we are co-workers and co-builders with Christ, building the church as the dwelling place of God! The work of the […]
Seeing the Desire of God’s Heart, the Building of God’s Dwelling Place on Earth

In the book of Exodus we see how God called Moses, prepared him, and sent him to deliver His people from the usurpation and tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt; God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand, bringing them across the Red Sea and into the wilderness so that they […]
Advancing in our Experience to have a Clear Sky and a Vision of God’s Heart Desire

In Exodus 24:1-18, after Moses has been in the glory of God for forty days being infused with God, receiving words and instructions from Him, God opened His heart to him to reveal to him what was hidden in His heart from eternity – the desire of His heart, the tabernacle, the building of God. […]
God’s Goal is His Building; God’s Building is God’s Thought and Purpose in Exodus

The goal of God’s salvation, provision, and revelation as seen in the book of Exodus is God’s building, His dwelling place on earth. The purpose for which God redeemed and saved His people from Pharaoh’s usurpation was so that they would enjoy God’s full salvation and build up His dwelling place. The goal of God taking […]