Our ultimate responsibility is to spread the testimony of Jesus by establishing local churches as golden lampstands; for us to spread the church as the testimony of Jesus, we need to plant church trees as golden lampstands for God’s corporate expression. What God desires to obtain is a corporate expression of Himself; He wants to […]
We need to Plant Church Trees as Golden Lampstands for God’s Corporate Expression
The Lord’s Ultimate Recovery is His Ultimate Move to Recover Christ and the Church

We need to see a vision of the world’s ultimate situation (how God arranged the world situation for the spreading of the gospel), God’s ultimate move (which is in man to have Christ as their life for the Body of Christ), and the Lord’s ultimate recovery. The world’s ultimate situation today involves the fact that […]
The Lord’s Recovery must Spread to Europe and be Rooted here before the Coming of Antichrist

If we have the proper view and see things with God’s eyes, the way He sees things, we will realize the world situation is the indicator of the Lord’s move on earth. Events don’t just happen, countries don’t just change their regime, presidents don’t just get elected, and wars don’t just take place; rather, God […]
Antichrist, the Mystery of Lawlessness, and what our Attitude Should Be Today

The world situation has always been an indicator of the Lord’s move on the earth, and God moves in a specific way in every age. Today there’s a mystery of lawlessness operating among men, and there’s something restraining it…. Among human society today there’s the mystery of lawlessness operating, and this lawlessness will culminate in […]
being desperate to enjoy our birthright today: Christ is our portion and we are priests and kings to God!
I really enjoyed the 2010 Poland camp – the general subject was the significance, preciousness, and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy. The birthright is the special portion of the firstborn, which, in the Old Testament, included: the priesthood, the kingship and the double portion of the land. We also in the New Testament have […]