For us to exercise our spirit, we must deal with the parts of our soul surrounding our spirit so that we may have a spirit of power and of love and of sobermindedness, and we need to rejoice in the Lord and set our mind on the spirit to enjoy life and peace. Hallelujah for […]
Exercise our Spirit to have a Spirit of Power and of Love and of Sobermindedness
We need a Burning Spirit of Love to Love one another and Overcome any Degradation

In order for us to enjoy the Lord and thus grow in life for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to love the Lord and love one another; love is the most excellent way to be and do anything in the church life, and we need to exercise our spirit […]
Exercise our Spirit of Love, Activate the Law of Love and Love others with God as love

Love is the most excellent way for us to be anything or do anything for the building up of the church as the organic Body of Christ; we need to activate the law of love by exercising our spirit of love to love the Lord and love all the saints with no partiality. There […]
The Love of God has been Poured out in our Hearts: we have a Heart and Spirit of Love!

Praise the Lord, the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and now we have a spirit of love to love God and the brothers with God as our love! How we thank and praise the Lord that He not only infuses us with faith but also with […]
Love Covers all Transgressions and Mistakes but Uncovering others brings in a Curse

Love covers all transgressions; for us to cover others and their mistakes and transgressions, this is love, but uncovering others brings in a curse. In order for us to live a godly life, a life that expresses God, we need to know who our God is. Our God is love; He is love itself. Love […]