Faith is a substantiating ability infused into us by the Lord when we believe into Him; we live by faith, not by appearance, and we regard the things which are not seen, which are eternal, not the things which are seen, which are temporary. Amen! Faith is like a sixth sense which has been imparted […]
Faith is a Substantiating Ability for us to Enjoy God and Infuse God into Others
Living a Crucified Life in Resurrection and Speaking by the Spirit of Faith Daily

As believers in Christ, we need to practice speaking by the spirit of faith for the building up of the Body of Christ; we need to speak one with the Lord and testify of our experience of Him with the exercise of our spirit to infuse faith into others also. Amen! Faith is in […]
Exercising our Mingled Spirit of Faith to be Infused with God and Speak for God

As believers in Christ, we have a mingled spirit of faith, for the divine Spirit mingled Himself with our spirit and infused faith into our spirit; having the same spirit of faith, we believe and we also speak. Amen! God desires to be expressed and represented; for this, He created man in His image […]
Being Saved from a Heart of Unbelief by Looking away unto Jesus to be Infused with Faith

We need to be saved from an evil heart of unbelief and open to the Lord to be infused with Him as our faith, taking the word of God as our faith to care for God’s interests so that we may be able to possess the good land. Joshua was such a one – he […]
Taking Time to Absorb Christ by Exercising our Spirit of Faith and being One with Him

We need to have a full realization of what we have in Christ, and we need to exercise our spirit of faith to partake of all that is ours in Christ, spending time to absorb all the riches of Christ by the exercise of our spirit. As believers in Christ, we are made full in […]
We are Made Full in Christ, in whom all the Fullness of the Godhead Dwells Bodily

Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we are made full in Christ, in whom all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily, and in Him we lack nothing! Hallelujah! In Col. 2:9 we see that in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and in v. 10 we are told that we […]
Beware of having an Evil Heart of Unbelief – have a Spirit of Faith in God’s Word!

For us to attain the goal of God’s calling, the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ to bring in God’s kingdom and become His building, we need to beware of an evil heart of unbelief. In Num. 13-14 we see that, as a result of the evil report given by the ten spies who went to […]