The entire New Testament speaks of and introduces the kingdom of God. John the Baptist announced the gospel saying, Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens is near! When the Lord Jesus preached, He always spoke of the kingdom of God. Before the New Testament, the kingdom of God on earth was one people, the […]
Enjoying the Ten Main Aspects of the Kingdom of God as Seen in the New Testament
A Picture of the Wonderful Church Life of the Saints, the Covenanted People of God

The church life as a mysterious God-man living of the resurrected people is seen in a seed form in Genesis 8 after Noah and his family got out of the ark, and is also seen in picture in the gospel of John. In chapters 2 and 12 we see that in the church life Christ […]
As Resurrected People, We Now Live the Church Life Through Death and Resurrection

The living of Noah and his family after they came out of the ark was a seed of the church life. The first thing that Noah did was to set up an altar and to offer sacrifices to God (see Gen. 8:20). The first thing we do when we come into the church life is […]
In Our Organic Union with Him, Christ’s Experience is Our Experience for the Church

All the genuine believers in Christ are organically joined to the Triune God in their spirit. Through believing into Christ we have been joined to Him in spirit, and now we are one spirit with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17). Through baptism we have been cut off from the world, the past, and anything of […]
We are In Christ: His Death and Resurrection are Our Experience for the Church Life

After Noah built the ark according to God’s divine revelation and instructions, he and his whole family entered into it – together with the animals – and God shut the door behind them. As we build up Christ in our experience day by day, working out our own salvation by enjoying Christ, loving Him, talking […]