In the Lord’s work, we need to reject ourselves, oppose our disposition, and not be limited by our natural disposition; we need to live by the divine life who is able to endure all things, fit all situations, and meet all needs for the fulfilment of God’s purpose. Many people – believers and unbelievers alike […]
We Reject our Natural Disposition, Trust in God, and Live by the All-Fitting Life in our Spirit
God Works in the Secret of our being: we say Amen to His Gentle, Quiet Voice within

If we study the Scriptures carefully we will realise that God has the kind of temperament that dislikes ostentation; He likes to work secretly rather than openly, and He is in us as a gentle, quiet voice to which we must say Amen. Our God is a God who hides Himself; He created the entire […]
As Kingdom People we do our Righteous Deeds in Spirit in Secret to Please the Father

According to Matt. 6, the principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden life, not performing their righteous deeds before men but in secret to please the Father, for the Father sees in secret and rewards in secret. Our living as kingdom people today, those who live in the kingdom of God, […]
Realising that through many Tribulations we must Enter into the Kingdom of God

We need to realize that through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God, because the whole world opposes our entering in; therefore, today we need to cooperate with the Lord for the development of the kingdom of God. The whole world opposes God, and when the gospel of the kingdom is being […]
Living in Ascension by Living in our Spirit and Discerning our Spirit from our Soul

All believers in Christ are, on the one hand, those who want to know God and experience Him more, and, on the other hand, the lovers of Christ, those who love Him and seek Him in love. As those who love the Lord and seek Him, we are eventually called by our Beloved Lord to […]
having a hidden and secret life with the Lord to be solidly rooted in Him

This morning there was a question from brother Watchman Nee that really touched me, Besides the part of our life which is visible before men, how much hidden life do we have before the Lord? On the one hand we shouldn’t be “hidden Christians” or “believers in secret”; on the other hand we need to […]
a turning point in my attitude toward my Christian life, the Poland European YP Conference 2010 in Male Ciche
Although it has only been about a month since I returned from my time at the European Young People Conference, I feel as though I will look back on that summer as a turning point in my attitude toward my Christian life. The two things that impressed me the most were the importance of prayer, and […]