From the portion in 2 Chronicles 20:15-22 we can learn to engage in spiritual warfare by praising the Lord; the Christian life soars through praise, and the highest expression of our spiritual life is our praise to God. Praise the Lord! This is one of the last and highest crucial aspect of living in […]
Engage in Spiritual Warfare by Praising the Lord; Christian Life Soars through Praise
Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise and Bring the Tithe to the Storehouse of God, the Church

If we bring the tithe to the storehouse of God by richly giving to God, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out blessing upon us; we need to offer God a sacrifice of praise continually, and we shouldn’t forget to give and share with others. Amen! These days as we are […]
When we Praise God we Glorify Him, He moves His Hand, and we Transcend Everything

Praise is the way to display Christ’s victory and overcome spiritual attacks; when we run out of strength to pray, when we’re oppressed or wounded, we should just remember, Why not praise God? Amen, we praise God! Satan’s ultimate goal is to stop our praises to God, for he knows that, when we praise God, […]
We should Offer a Sacrifice of Praise to God even when we Suffer and are Afflicted

The nature of praise is an offering – we need to offer a sacrifice of praise, even from our suffering, pain, and loss; when we praise the Lord in every situation, we display Christ’s victory and we overcome spiritual attacks. When the Bible speaks of praise, it says that we need to offer up through […]
Praising the Lord Enthrones and Exalts Him and makes us Soar in our Christian life

Praise is the highest work carried out by God’s children and the highest expression of our spiritual life; praising the Lord is the way to soar in our Christian life. We have been enjoying the matter of the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, and now we come to the matter of […]
At the Lord’s Table we Enjoy Christ as our Peace Offering and we Worship the Father

This week – the last week on the crystallization-study of Leviticus, part 1 – we are prayerfully considering the matter of, Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Peace Offering at the Lord’s Table to Present the Total Picture of God’s Economy. Today in particular we want to see how the peace offering signifies Christ […]
Go Outside the Camp to Christ and Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise through Christ

In Hebrews 13:1-19 we see many virtues and experiences which we need not only for our personal Christian life but for the practice of the church life; such experiences include brotherly love, practicing hospitality, holding on to Christ, following Jesus outside the camp, and offering a sacrifice of praise to God through Christ. After unveiling […]