Praise the Lord, Christ as the living, spiritual rock was smitten by the authority of God’s law so that the water of life in resurrection could flow out of Him and into His redeemed people for them to drink! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Speaking to the Rock […]
Christ as the Rock was Smitten so that the Water of Life would Flow for us to Drink
The Water that Flowed from Christ, the Rock, is the Water of Life in Resurrection!

In the book of Exodus we clearly see how God wants to change His people’s diet to the heavenly food and the living water coming out of the smitten rock. It is interesting in particular to see how both at the beginning and at the end of their journey through the wilderness the people of […]
Drinking the Water of Life in Resurrection to be Persons In and Of Resurrection

In the book of Genesis we see many seeds of the divine truths, which develop throughout the Bible and consummate in the book of Revelation as a harvest. In Gen. 2 we see the seed of the flowing river, which is developed throughout the Bible and it consummates in the river of water of life […]
Christ is the stone, He is our salvation, and we who come to Him are made living stones!
Isaiah 28:16 says Therefore thus says the Lord Jehovah: Indeed I lay a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone as a foundation firmly established; He who believes will not hasten away. and in 1 Pet 2:6, 7 we read For it is contained in scripture “Behold, I lay in […]