From the beginning to the end of the Bible we see God’s intention to be the water of life to man. In Genesis 2 there’s the “seed” of this truth, throughout the Bible there is the development and experience of the water of life, and at the end of the Bible in the very last […]
God will have Dominion over All the Earth by Flowing as a River of Water of Life
Drinking the Water of Life in Resurrection to be Persons In and Of Resurrection

In the book of Genesis we see many seeds of the divine truths, which develop throughout the Bible and consummate in the book of Revelation as a harvest. In Gen. 2 we see the seed of the flowing river, which is developed throughout the Bible and it consummates in the river of water of life […]
Drinking of God as the River of Water of Life for God to Fulfill His Purpose

God’s purpose is to have a corporate man to express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion, and the way He is accomplishes His purpose is by His life. First, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in God, enjoy God, partake of God, and be filled […]
The Throne and the River of Life Typify Christ as King and Priest for God’s Building

At the end of the Bible we see the vision of the New Jerusalem, and in the center there’s the throne of God and the Lamb, out of which flows a river of water of life (see Rev. 22:1). The throne and the river of water of life speak of Christ being both the King […]
God is a flowing stream of water of life, and He rules in us by watering us and giving us to drink
God Himself is the fountain, the source, Christ the Son is the spring of this water, and the Spirit is the living stream – flowing all the time! Praise the Lord, the divine stream has reached us! When we believed into the Lord, the flowing Triune God entered into us and now He flows as the Spirit within our spirit, even in our whole being. God does everything by the means of this flow – in the divine stream there’s the tree of life (the life-suppy and nourishment), and as we drink of the river of life, we are brought under God’s dominion and rule! Praise the Lord – we are in the divine stream!
the river of water of life in the Bible – the Triune God flows as living water for us to drink and flow!
Throughout the whole Bible there is a line of the river of water of life, which typifies the flowing Triune God! It starts in Genesis – right there, in the garden of Eden, after the mentioning of the tree of life, there is the river that flows and reaches out to all the earth! This […]
everyone who thirsts, come buy and eat without money and without price! Just come!
God’s ways are truly higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Our thought is that we need to do something for God, and our way is to do it from ourselves and by ourselves. God’s thought is to dispense Himself into us and be expressed through us, and His way […]