We need to enjoy Christ day by day to accumulate the experiences of Christ and keep a rich storage of the Lord’s word in our being, and when we come together, we must have an exhibition of the Christ upon whom we have laboured, the Christ whom we have enjoyed and experienced. Amen! On the […]
Accumulate the Experiences of Christ and Bring the Christ we Enjoy to the Meetings
Church Life is a Life of Labouring on Christ, Producing Christ, and Exhibiting Christ

The church life is a life of labouring on Christ, producing Christ, and bringing the Christ we enjoy and experience to the meetings of the church to exhibit Christ. Whenever we believers in Christ come together, we should come with the Christ we have experienced and enjoyed as the surplus to be offered to God […]
Labouring on Christ to Bring His Riches to the Meetings for an Exhibition of Christ

If we believers in Christ faithfully labour on the all-inclusive Christ, we will have the riches of Christ as the produce to exhibit Christ in the church meetings; our meetings will then be a rich exhibition of Christ, a corporate worship to God, and a great supply to all the saints. Amen! We are very […]
Enjoy and Share the Rich and Sweet Christ, the Land Flowing with Milk and Honey

The good land of Canaan is a type of the all-inclusive Christ; it is a land flowing with milk and honey, for Christ is so good, so sweet, and so rich for us to enjoy, experience, partake of, and minister to one another in the church life for the building up of the church. […]
Worship God in Spirit with Christ as the Reality, Offering Christ to God for His Satisfaction

We need to labor on the all-inclusive Christ in order to have a surplus of Christ to bring to the church meetings both for our enjoyment corporately and for the corporate worship of God our Father; we worship God in spirit and truthfulness, that is, in our spirit and with the Christ we have experienced […]
Enjoying the Lord in our Daily Life and Meeting to Exhibit the Christ we Experienced

Whenever we come together to meet with the saints, regardless of what kind of meeting we are having, we should come with the Christ experienced by us as the surplus to be offered to God and exhibited by us; for this, we need to contact the Lord daily and bring a surplus of Christ to […]
Labor on Christ to have a Surplus of Christ for a Rich Exhibition of Christ in the Meetings

If we as believers in Christ labor on the all-inclusive Christ, we will have the riches of Christ as the produce to exhibit Christ in the church; our proper life as Christians is to labor on Christ every day and thus have a rich surplus of Christ to bring to the meetings for the a […]