The law is a picture of God, a portrait of God, the testimony of God; Christ is the reality of the law as the testimony of God, and for us to keep the law in reality is to live a God-man life, a life which is God’s testimony. In our deeper study of the vital […]
Christ is the Living Portrait of God; we Keep the Law by Living God to Express Him
We Need to receive the Revelation concerning God and God’s Economy for God’s Building

Even though the word economy is not used in the Old Testament books, yet the typology of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers unveils God’s economy; we need to receive the revelation concerning God and God’s economy. In these books we see the economy of God in pictures, while in the New Testament we see it in […]
Serving God according to the Vision of God and the Pattern Shown on the Mountain

God saved us and is constantly saving us so that we may serve Him, and we need to serve Him not according to our own natural concept but according to the vision of God and of the pattern shown on the mountain, the vision of God’s economy. The experience of the children of Israel in […]
Knowing God’s Ways by Knowing the Principles by Which He Does things and Deals with us

Moses’ prayer in Exo. 33:13 should also be our prayer, “Please let me know Your ways”, so that we may be those knowing God’s ways and thus know God Himself. Moses was respectfully asking God to let him know God’s ways so that he may be pleasing to Him; he was not begging nor religious, […]
Being Separated unto God and Coming to the Mountain to see a Revelation of God

The purpose of God’s calling of Moses was to deliver God’s people out of Egypt and bring them into the land of Canaan where they can become the kingdom of God and build the temple of God. In fulfilling the purpose of God’s calling there were three stations the people of Israel went through: the […]
Having a Revelation of the God who Calls us: the great I AM, the God of Resurrection

Moses was the first complete, qualified, and perfected servant of God in history, and the record in Exodus concerning God’s calling of Moses is longer than the record of His calling of any other person in the Bible. Moses is the standard model of God’s servant, and God’s calling of him is the standard for […]