In the church life, we need to persevere in prayer, having a continuous prayer life, so that we may be praying people, those who depend on the Lord in everything and who speak one with the Lord to meet the need. In order for us to have a proper church life, we need to […]
Having a Continuous Prayer Life to be Filled in Spirit for an Enriched Church Life
Pass through the Cross of Christ to Progress Spiritually and have a Proper Church Life

In order for us to progress spiritually, experience Christ and enjoy Him as the all-inclusive One, and have the proper church life, we need to pass through the cross of Christ. The altar of burnt offering typifies the cross of Christ; in God’s economy, He gives us one person (Christ) and one way (the […]
What a Privilege it is to Experience and Enjoy the Genuine Oneness in the Church Life!

The genuine oneness is an all-inclusive, comprehensive oneness that includes all the positive things; what a privilege it is to know, experience, and enjoy the genuine oneness in the Lord’s recovery today! Amen! It is the Lord’s mercy and grace that He brought us here, on the genuine ground of oneness, to enjoy the […]
Seeing a Prefigure of the Church History in the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle

The history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a prefigure of the church history, giving us a full portrait of the course and situation of the church from the very beginning to the present time; today the Lord is enlarging the church life and making it more solid. […]
Learning to Take Christ as our Person to Live Christ as the Proper Church Life today

If we as believers in Christ take Christ as our person and let Him live in us, we will live Christ as the proper church life. When we were regenerated, without us realising this, another person came into us – Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came into our spirit as the life-giving Spirit. […]
The Events of World History are Sovereignly Arranged by God for Him to Fulfill His Purpose

The events of world history have been sovereignly arranged by God for Him to carry out His purpose; therefore, in order for us to have the proper church life, we must know the world situation and be one with the Lord in His move. Throughout the Bible we can see the divine history within the […]
Being Brought to the Throne by Experiencing the Humanity of Jesus with its Virtues

God’s desire is not only to save us from eternal perdition but to bring us to the throne; for us to be brought to the throne, we need to experience the humanity of Jesus with its virtues, and we need to reign in life. God’s goal is to bring us to the throne; His desire […]