May we all learn to be satisfied with a life of ordinary days in the divine dispensing. As believers in Christ, we need to learn to be satisfied with a life of ordinary days in the regular and normal experiences in the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity. Our Christian life is not filled […]
Learning to be Satisfied with a Life of Ordinary Days in the Divine Dispensing
Present your body, be Renewed in your mind, and be Burning in spirit for the Body Life

For the church life – the life of the Body of Christ – be realized, our entire being is needed: our body needs to be presented, our soul needs to be transformed, and our spirit needs to be burning. As we enjoy Christ as grace, this grace brings with it the element of certain skills […]
Letting the Word of Christ Dwell in Us (Col. 3:16) – Crucial Point 9

This week in our crucial points in God’s word truth pursuit we are enjoying the matter of, letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly. Below are some excerpts, further reading, and sharing of enjoyment from our weekly pursuit. If you have been enjoying this and would like to share something, please leave a […]
Christian Life is not a Performance but the Living of a God-man Life as God’s Species

The goal of our Christian practice should be to live the life of a God-man, the duplication and continuation of the life the Lord Jesus lived while on the earth. Our practice shouldn’t merely be something that is “according to the Bible” but practice living the life of a God-man, that is, living a life […]
having ordinary days in the divine dispensing for the building up of the Body of Christ
We all can testify that we cannot “feel” that the Triune God is in us in a spectacular or extraordinary way. There’s a living Person in us, and His speaking to us, His dispensing in us, is so normal and so fine. We should be blessed to be satisfied with ordinary normal routine days in the divine dispensing. We don’t know what’s really going on within us, but as we turn to the Lord, as we fellowship with Him, as we open to Him, and as we listen to His voice within us, there’s an increase of the element of God in our being daily. [continue reading online concerning our daily normal Christian life under the divine dispensing]
just come to the meetings and praise the Lord: He loads you with good and the enemy is defeated!
This is a secret we all discover as we go on with the Lord in the proper church life – all we need to do is come to the church meetings and praise the Lord! Satan bothers us, situations may be overwhelming, people may have problems with us, we may have a lot of things we didn’t do quite right, or there’s a lot of accusations inside… whatever happens, don’t miss the meeting of the church!
today God is calling for the overcomers, the ones in the vital groups, the reality of the Body of Christ
This weekend I was impressed with this call – God today calls the overcomers, those who are in the vital groups – the reality of the Body of Christ! Even from the beginning, when God created man, He wanted to have a personal relationship with him, fill him as life (see: the tree of life), […]