Our need today is for transformation and maturity in the life of God, being not only transformed by God’s life that regenerated us but also filled with this life. In order for us to be mature so that we may be ready for the Lord to rapture us at His return, we need to […]
Our Need for Transformation and Maturity to have the Fullness of the Life of God
We’re Designated the Sons of God by Growing in Life and being Metabolically Transformed

Praise the Lord, we believers in Christ are being designated the sons of God by growing in life and by being metabolically transformed into the image of Christ! It is so amazing to realize that we, believers in Christ, are in the metabolic process of transformation to be designated the sons of God; this metabolic […]
Turning our Heart to the Lord to be Metabolically Transformed into His Image

In 2 Cor. 3:16-18 Paul speaks of the process of transformation, how we are being transformed into the same image as Christ from glory to glory. May we be those who continually turn their heart to the Lord so that any veil would be taken away! When we read the Bible, do we see the […]
we are going through a metamorphic change to become the Body of Christ, God’s glorious expression
The Body of Christ is a mysterious organism composed of the union and mingling of the Triune God and the believers (see Eph. 4:4-6). In the Body of Christ we as the believers are joined to the Triune God and are being continually mingled with the Triune God. In this organic structure, God the Father […]