As believers in Christ, we follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus and take Him as the reality of the burnt offering to have the same kind of living He did while on earth; He was a man of prayer, one with God, living in the presence of God, trusting in God, being satisfied […]
Like Christ, we need to be a Man of Prayer who Lives in God’s Presence Constantly
Joined to God’s Desire through His Word and Praying to Lay the Tracks for God’s Move

We need to be joined to God’s desire through His word, exercise our spirit over the Word of God, remain in an atmosphere of prayer, live under God’s rule in the reality of the kingdom, and be a self-sacrificing person with the spirit of martyrdom even as Daniel was. Daniel is a pattern to us; […]
The Pattern of the Lord Jesus as a Man of Prayer and how Prayer Brings us into God

According to Luke 11:1-13, the governing principle of our prayer should be that prayer brings us into God. Amen! If we pray and the result is that we’re not into God, we need to turn to the Lord and pray according to the principle of the Lord’s prayer so that we may get out of […]
The Patterns of the Flock are Vessels of Christ and Men of Prayer Serving the Saints

We need to shepherd the flock of God by being patterns of the flock, that is, by following the pattern of those who are before us and by being a pattern to others in our living. The apostle Paul, as a pattern to all the believers the members of the Body of Christ, lived Christ […]
We are the Continuation of Acts, the Continuation of Christ as the members of His Body

Today we are in the continuation of the book of Acts: the word of God is still growing and being multiplied for the increase of Christ, the continuation of Christ, and there is a corporate living of the perfected God-men to be the reality of the Body of Christ. The same divine stream that flowed […]
The Pattern of Samuel, a Man according to God’s Heart caring for God and His Interest

Our work, our behaviour, and our person as God’s people must match the church as the house of God, according to His design and pattern (see Ezek. 43:10-12). God is measuring us not merely by our works or words but according to His house, according to the pattern that He presented in the Bible of […]
A Man of Prayer Waits Constantly Before God and Intercedes for What’s on His Heart
![When Sarah (who was 90 years old) heard that God promised Abraham that she would have a son, she laughed. Humanly it is impossible for someone that old to still conceive. [In the picture: Is anything too hard for God?]](
In Gen. 18 we see how God came to visit His friend Abraham in a human form, and He spent some time with him to eat together and converse together. Abraham was one who was dealt with by the Lord and he learned the lesson of not being hasty to ask God for things or […]