If we believers in Christ realize that God desires to work Himself into His chosen people and His unique work is to build Himself in Christ into our being, then the goal of our work will be to minister the building and builded God into others so that the Triune God may build Himself into […]
Let God Build Himself into us and Minister the Building and Builded God into Others
Under God’s Sovereignty, He Arranges Situations and People to Expose and Terminate the Flesh

We can only worship God for His sovereignty, for under God’s sovereignty He arranges the people and situations around us to test us and be a cross to us to terminate our flesh; may we know God’s authority and fear Him, not daring to overthrow the divine order arranged by God. We see this […]
Being Men according to God’s Heart, men of revelation, for God to use to Change the Age

It is amazing who see how Samuel, a man who turned the age into the age of the kingdom with the kingship, was fully according to God; his being and God’s heart was one, and we could say that he was the acting God on earth. Amen, we want to be men according to […]
How we can Cooperate with the Divine Trinity to Bring in the Kingdom of God on Earth

1 and 2 Samuel are crucial for the bringing in of the kingdom; there was a desperate need for one like Samue who was one with God, according to God’s heart, and who cared for God’s people to the extent that he didn’t want his own kingdom or monarchy but rather wanted to bring […]
Being Men according to God’s Heart caring for the Body as the Enlargement of Christ

God’s great will in His New Testament economy is to have a Body for the enlargement and expression of Christ, the embodiment of the processed Triune God; it is for Him to gain the church as the enlargement and expression of God. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Living […]
A Nazarite is a Man According to God’s Heart and one who Flees Lusts to Pursue Christ

Samuel was a Nazarite, a man according to God’s heart, for God’s heart was duplicated in him; Samson, on the other hand, was a negative example of what being a Nazarite is. God’s desire is that all His people would be Nazarites, those who see His heart’s desire and are joined to Him in His […]
The Pattern of Samuel, a Man according to God’s Heart caring for God and His Interest

Our work, our behaviour, and our person as God’s people must match the church as the house of God, according to His design and pattern (see Ezek. 43:10-12). God is measuring us not merely by our works or words but according to His house, according to the pattern that He presented in the Bible of […]