We Commit All Things to God who Judges Righteously and are Holy in our Manner of Life

When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He lived a human life that was absolutely under the government of God, and He committed everything related to Him to God’s government. He now lives in us, and we today should live a Christian life under the government of God, passing our days in fear and living […]

The Universal Government of God: God Governs by Judging to bring in Righteousness

The Epistles of 1 and 2 Peter are on the universal government of God, showing us that we live a Christian life under the government of God, God governs by judging, judgement begins from the house of God, and as He judges us, He supplies us with His divine provision as grace. Amen! This week […]

The Government of God with His Judgment to Gain a Universe Filled with Righteousness

The subject of Peter’s Epistles is the government of God with His judgment, for in it we see how the judgment of God today begins from the house of God and how He desires to clear up and purify the whole universe to have a new universe filled with His righteousness for His delight. Amen! […]

We live the Christian Life under the Government of God to do God’s will in His Kingdom

In order for us as believers in Christ to do the will of God in the kingdom of God, we must live the Christian life under the government of God (1 Pet. 1:17). Praise the Lord, we are not only believers in Christ and children of God but also citizens in the kingdom of God, […]

Not Judging others but Showing them Mercy, and Living by Faith under God’s Government

In our living the church life under the government of God, we should not have different weights or measures – not judging others, but rather have mercy on them as God has mercy on us. In the book of Deuteronomy there are at least twenty-four items that are mentioned by Jehovah with statutes, ordinances and […]

Being Controlled by the Word of God, we Worship God by Eating and Rejoicing before Him

We need to be instructed, governed, ruled, and controlled by the word of God, and we need to learn to enjoy the Lord with the saints in God’s presence in the unique place of His choice, which is our worship to Him. In Deuteronomy we see God’s work spoken through Moses, and in particular we […]