The living of the jubilee is a living in the enjoyment of Christ, a living of eating the Lord as the produce of the good land, a living that has the tone of praising God and thanking Him continually. The way for us to enjoy Christ as the jubilee is by setting our mind on […]
The Living of the Jubilee is a Living in the Enjoyment of Christ full of Rejoicing
Praising the Lord Enthrones and Exalts Him and makes us Soar in our Christian life

Praise is the highest work carried out by God’s children and the highest expression of our spiritual life; praising the Lord is the way to soar in our Christian life. We have been enjoying the matter of the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, and now we come to the matter of […]
in the meetings the Firstborn Son sings praises to the Father in our praises!

Even though the book of Psalms concludes with Hallelujah! to the Lord and we saw yesterday that everything that has breath is praising the Lord, what about us – do we live a life of praise? Do we praise the Lord from the very moment we wake up in the morning? Do we praise the […]
having a life of praising the Lord to defeat His enemy and bring in God’s kingdom

The book of Psalms is a book of praise, and our Christian life should be a life full of praise and even a life of praising the Lord. If we were to check with ourselves, did we praise the Lord every day this past week? Did we praise the Lord every day this past month? […]