We need to follow the Lord’s pattern living a hidden life with God, praying privately to Him. As believers in Christ, we need to learn from the pattern of the Lord Jesus living a hidden life in His going up to the mountain privately to pray; we need to often spend time with the Lord […]
Follow the Lord’s Pattern Living a Hidden Life with God, Praying Privately to Him
Our Life is Hidden with Christ in God; we need to Take Christ as Life and Live Him

As believers in Christ, our life is the Christ who dwells within us, and this life is hidden with Christ in God; we need to take Him as life and live by Him in our daily life. When we were regenerated, we were brought into another realm, the realm of the divine life, the realm […]
Practice Living a Hidden Life with God by Living by the Hidden Life of our Father

As believers in Christ we are citizens of the kingdom of God, and as kingdom people we need to practice living a hidden life in secret with the Lord, that is, we need learn to live by the hidden life of our Father. The principle of the kingdom people is that they live a hidden […]
a turning point in my attitude toward my Christian life, the Poland European YP Conference 2010 in Male Ciche
Although it has only been about a month since I returned from my time at the European Young People Conference, I feel as though I will look back on that summer as a turning point in my attitude toward my Christian life. The two things that impressed me the most were the importance of prayer, and […]