God Works in the Secret of our being: we say Amen to His Gentle, Quiet Voice within

If we study the Scriptures carefully we will realise that God has the kind of temperament that dislikes ostentation; He likes to work secretly rather than openly, and He is in us as a gentle, quiet voice to which we must say Amen. Our God is a God who hides Himself; He created the entire […]

Our God is a God who Hides Himself; He does many Things, but He Conceals Himself

Our God is a God who hides Himself; His disposition is a hidden one, and He doesn’t like outward manifestation but loves to work in secret and do things hiddenly, not openly. This is why we as kingdom people need to spend time in secret with our God, for He sees in secret and He […]

The God whom we serve and love is a God who hides Himself and operates in secret

No, we cannot see God, we cannot touch Him – we cannot physically see or touch Him. Yet just like Peter says, though we have never seen Him, we love Him! I was so impressed regarding this matter this morning as I was enjoying the Lord in the morning revival on the Crystallization-study of Isaiah […]