The stone that the builders rejected – Christ – has become the head of the corner (Psa. 118:22): Christ as the stone rejected and despised by the Jewish builders/people has become the cornerstone to join together the Jews and the Gentiles into one Body, the Body of Christ! Actually, the “head of the corner” can […]
Christ as the Stone-Savior is also the cornerstone to join us and build us up together in God’s building
by enjoying Christ we live in the Principle of the Restoration of Life for a New Revival(Isaiah 11)
I very much enjoyed that we need to enjoy Christ in the principle of the restoration of life as a sprout from the stump of Jesse and as a branch from the roots of Jesse. Especially seeing that Christ is the sprout and the branch for us to enjoy Christ and grow in Christ. Hebrews […]
Christ as the sprout becomes the banner, and as the branch He becomes the standard for all the nations
Today we have a foretaste of what God wants to accomplish fully in the next age – the restoration of life, the restoration of all things to Himself, and the restoration of Israel to God. Through the restoration of Israel, Christ will become a banner to the peoples and a standard to the nations! When […]
today in the church life we have a foretaste of the coming age, we’re being inwardly changed and restored!

This morning we were enjoying the verses in Isaiah 11:6-9 that refer to the condition of the creation at the time of the restoration of life – so peaceful, so normal, yet so different from what we see today: v. 6 And the wolf will dwell with the lamb; And the leopard will lie down […]