Praise the Lord, Christ redeemed us out of the curse of the law, He Himself having become a curse on our behalf (Gal. 3:13). As those who are born of Adam, we all are sinners under the curse, for Adam through his one disobedience brought us all under the curse. What is this curse? We […]
Christ Redeemed us out of the Curse of the Law so that we may Enjoy the Blessing of God
At the Lord’s Table we Enjoy Christ as our Peace Offering and we Worship the Father

This week – the last week on the crystallization-study of Leviticus, part 1 – we are prayerfully considering the matter of, Enjoying Christ as the Reality of the Peace Offering at the Lord’s Table to Present the Total Picture of God’s Economy. Today in particular we want to see how the peace offering signifies Christ […]
having a sweeter experience of the house of God as we experience God’s faithfulness
In God’s economy God wants that Christ would be our all in all – He is faithful to call us into the fellowship of His Son (1 Cor. 1:9). But for Christ to be our all we need that all we have and are in our natural man would be stripped away. We are full of ourselves, so natural, and with no element of Christ in us – we need to be reorganized, reconstituted, and remodelled with God! This is why God allows things to happen in our life, things that are not so pleasant or sweet, so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and may enjoy Him only! He wants to strip us of our idols, our ambition, our self-confidence, and our self-sufficiency, that we may enjoy Him! [continue reading online and leave your comment / portion of enjoyment]
the more we love the Lord, the more we enjoy His presence(college age conference sharing)
I thank the Lord for bringing me to the Spring 2011 College Age Conference in UK. This is my first time attending this conference and I enjoyed it very much. The messages released were on the book, Gospel of John, and they brought me into a deeper appreciation of my dear Lord Jesus with His […]