In the divine revelation in the Bible there is a progression, from Genesis to Revelation. Our God is not a static God: He is always on the move, always doing something and moving. In Psa. 68 we see a good picture of the journey of the tabernacle, from the wilderness at Mount Sinai to Mount […]
God’s Economy is God becoming Man and Man Becoming God to Build up the Body of Christ
God’s Purpose for the Church is to Have the Divine Sonship and Make His Wisdom Known

The church is very important and precious to God in His economy. Everything He does is for the church. In particular, He has a threefold purpose regarding the church: He wants to be expressed through the church and have His dominion exercised through the church, and He wants to head up all things in Christ […]
God desires to have a group of people to express Him and represent Him on earth

Many people love the Psalms because when they read the Psalms, “they speak to their heart”, matching their inward condition and their sentiments in seeking after God. But have you ever wondered what is the center, the reality, and the characteristic of the divine revelation in the book of Psalms? Is it the seeking one’s […]
having a consciousness of the Body of Christ – all the members of the Body have the life of the Body!
This week we are coming to another item on the central line of the Divine Revelation in the Bible – the Body of Christ; more specifically, we are getting into, The Consciousness of the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are not individualistic people living our own life by ourselves; rather, the divine […]