Seeing that there is one Body in the universe and the local churches are the expression of the universal church in their particular locality, we need to practice the church life by having the consciousness of the Body of Christ. Amen! It is amazing and wonderful to see how God designed and ordained the Body […]
We need to take the Feeling of Christ the Head and have the Consciousness of the Body
Holding the Head, Christ, by Enjoying Him as the Reality of all the Positive Things

The Christ who is the reality of all positive things is the One who is the Head of the Body; when we enjoy Him, we are Body-conscious and we are holding the Head (see Col. 2:19). Hallelujah for our unsearchably rich Christ, who is the reality of all positive things in the universe! Everything that […]
Taking Christ’s Feeling as our Feeling and having the Consciousness of the Body

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to live in the reality of the Body of Christ by taking Christ’s feeling for the Body as our own feeling for the Body, having the consciousness of the Body and a strong feeling for the Body. We need to learn from […]
When God’s Light Shines on us, we will be Measured by the House of God for the Body

After revealing the pattern, design, and features of the house of God to Ezekiel in a vision, God instructed him to describe God’s house to God’s people so that they would be measured by the house of God and be ashamed of their iniquities (see Ezek. 43:10-12). This is something very deep, profound, and mysterious, […]
We Need to Practice the Church Life by Being Church-Conscious and Body-Conscious

All believers in Christ need to grow in life, be transformed, be matured, and arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. One of the most practical ways for our daily life to arrive at a full-grown man is to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man […]
as believers in Christ, the consciousness of the Body needs to become our frame of mind
As believers in Christ, we have the divine life in us besides the human life – and the divine life in us is a corporate life, a communal life, a life that is NOT individualistic. If we enjoy the divine life, if we grow in the divine life, and if we live out the divine […]
the more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious and the more we love the church life!
The more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious. In the Body of Christ, Christ is the Head and we are the Body – and Christ is both the Head and the Body, since the Body is of Christ. When we enjoy Christ, when we touch Him in the morning, we actually enjoy Christ […]