The church is the kingdom of God on earth today, and the church has a great responsibility: the church needs to subdue the power of darkness and bring God’s will to the earth. Amen! The kingdom of God is very much related to the church today; the kingdom and the church are closely interrelated. In […]
The Church should Pray to Bring in the Kingdom and Subdue Satan’s Power of Darkness
We Believers Live the Kingdom Life in the Church by Living in the Mingled Spirit

The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age, and we believers live the kingdom life in the church; only when we live and walk according to the spirit do we live in the reality of the kingdom to be the church. Amen! The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, and […]
The Gospel Brings in the Life of God, the Kingdom of God, which Produces the Church

The life of God is the kingdom of God, and this life produces the church; the gospel brings in the divine life, which is the kingdom, and this divine life with its realm produces the church, where we live today. Hallelujah for the church and for the kingdom! This week we come to the topic […]
All Authority in Heaven and on Earth has been Given to Jesus Christ in Resurrection

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus Christ, the Son of Man who died and resurrected, and now He is the Head of the Body, transmitting this authority to the Body of Christ so that we may go and disciple all the nations and baptize them into the Triune God! […]
Overcoming Believers will Reign with Christ and Enter the Lord’s joy in the Kingdom
![...Well [done,] good and faithful slave. You were faithful over a few things; I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master. Matt. 25:21](
The overcoming believers will be rewarded in the coming kingdom with feasting with the Old Testament believers, inheriting eternal life to have a fuller enjoyment of the divine life, entering into the Lord’s joy and saving their soul, and will reign with Christ and rule over the nations. May we aspire to be the Lord’s […]
Being the Overcoming Believers who will be Rewarded with the Heavenly Kingdom

In 2 Tim. 4:18 Paul said that the Lord will save him into His heavenly kingdom; this kingdom equals the crown of righteousness, and in this kingdom, the overcoming believers will participate, for it is the manifestation of the kingdom of the heavens. Amen! Our hope and yearning today is the Lord’s second coming with […]
Enjoy and Experience Christ as our Objective and Subjective Righteousness Today

In order for us as believers in Christ to be awarded with Christ as our crown of righteousness in the next age, we must experience and enjoy Him as our subjective righteousness, as our lived-out righteousness in this age. We need to have not only Christ as our objective righteousness for our justification before God […]