In order for us to live in resurrection, we must be renewed day by day by contacting the Lord to be nourished with the fresh supply of resurrection life; as we contact the Lord, He adds Himself to our being and we are being inwardly renewed. Praise the Lord! May we be those who do […]
We are being Renewed by being Nourished with the Fresh Supply of Resurrection Life
The Compound Anointing Spirit and the Lord Spirit for our Transformation for the Body

The life-giving Spirit with our spirit is the compound anointing Spirit as the anointing to anoint and seal us for the impartation and application of all that God is to our being, and He is the Lord Spirit for our metabolic transformation and for the growth and building up of the Body of Christ. Oh, […]
Christ Speaks for God by Becoming the Anointing Spirit to Transform us for God’s Building

Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the anointing Spirit for the transformation of God’s redeemed people into stones for the building of God’s house in an organic way today; we need to follow the inner anointing and be under the saturating and moving of the Spirit to be made […]
Live & Walk by the Spirit to be Anointed with the Compound Spirit for God’s Building

When we live and walk according to the Spirit and in the mingled spirit, we are anointed with the compound Spirit for God’s building. The holy anointing oil in Exo. 30 was used to anoint the tabernacle with everything and everyone related to its service; the compound Spirit is for the anointing of the saints […]
In the Grafted Life the Human Life is Strengthened and Enriched by the Divine Life

Our Christian life is not an exchanged life but a grafted life, a life in which the human life with its virtues is strengthened, uplifted, and enriched by the divine life, while all the negative elements are discharged and eliminated. Hallelujah! This week we have been enjoying and prayerfully considering the matter of Christian life […]
Receive the Lord’s mercy to be a Pattern to the Believers by Living in the Spirit

Even during the period of the decline of the church, when there’s a downward trend and most of God’s people are carried away, we need to be among the remnant of God’s people who receive mercy from the Lord to remain faithful to Him, and we need to be patterns of people who live in […]