Live by the Divine Life and Gain the God of Resurrection to Live in Resurrection

When we don’t live by our natural life but by the divine life, we’re in resurrection, and the issue is the Body of Christ; for us to live in resurrection, we need to know, experience, and gain the God of resurrection, not only know the living God but even more, the God of resurrection. Thank […]

The Lord Jesus was Raised from the Dead in Victory and as Firstfruits of Resurrection

In His resurrection, the Lord Jesus as the Son of Man was raised from the dead and as the Son of God He resurrected Himself from the dead; furthermore, He offered Himself to the Father as the firstfruits in resurrection for His satisfaction. Hallelujah! In 2 Tim. 2:8 Paul said, Remember Jesus Christ, raised from […]

The Lord Jesus Christ Brought Life and Incorruption to Light through the Gospel

Having nullified death through His death, the Lord Jesus brought life and incorruption to the light through the gospel in His resurrection; today we have His death-overcoming life in our spirit, and we experience incorruption in our Christian life. Amen! How we thank and praise our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, who nullified death and […]