Become a Reproduction of Christ by Living Christ: We Live Christ and He Lives in us

We believers in Christ can become a reproduction of Christ as our model by experiencing Christ as the One living in us, being formed in us, and making His home in our hearts; we can live the same way He lived by living Christ, that is, by Christ living in us today. The Lord Jesus […]

God Shines in our Hearts and also through us to Illuminate the Knowledge of His Glory

When God shines in our hearts, we have the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; this glory is not temporary but eternal, and when we have God’s shining, we are infused with Him as glory to shine Him forth so that others may also have the […]

As Ministers of Christ we’re Feeders and Builders to Build the Church as God’s House

We need to see that, as believers in Christ, we are feeders and builders to build up the church as the magnificent house of God. Amen! As believers in Christ who allow the Lord to measure us for the deepening of the flow of life and who enjoy Christ as the flow of life, we […]

In the Grafted Life the Human Life is Strengthened and Enriched by the Divine Life

Our Christian life is not an exchanged life but a grafted life, a life in which the human life with its virtues is strengthened, uplifted, and enriched by the divine life, while all the negative elements are discharged and eliminated. Hallelujah! This week we have been enjoying and prayerfully considering the matter of Christian life […]

The Spirit Mingled with our spirit is the Key to our Fellowship with God in Spirit

The Lord became a life-giving Spirit to be joined to us as one spirit, and today the Lord is with our spirit, even one with us in spirit; the Spirit with our spirit is the key to our fellowship with God as believers in Christ. Hallelujah! We need to know that the Lord is with […]

The Divine Sonship is Accomplished by our being Mingled with God unto Sanctification

In eternity past God the Father chose us in Christ to be holy unto sonship (see Eph. 1:4-5). All of God’s people have been chosen by God to be holy for the purpose of being made sons of God and participate in the divine sonship. Throughout history until today this word “holy” has been misused and […]