Carry out the Stewardship of the Grace of God in Singleness and Sincerity of God

As enjoyers of God in Christ as grace, we are entrusted with the stewardship of the grace of God for us to speak words of grace in singleness and sincerity of God for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. Amen! How we thank and praise the Lord that today He […]

Grace is the Circulating Triune God Dispensing Himself into us for our Enjoyment

What is grace? Is it just unmerited favour? According to the Bible, grace is God coming to visit us, remain with us, dwell with us, and be everything to us for our enjoyment. Grace is the circulating Triune God flowing in us and dispensing all He is into us for our enjoyment. Hallelujah! And this […]

The Lord is with our Spirit for us to Enjoy Christ as our Empowering Grace today

The Lord is with our spirit so that we may enjoy Him as our empowering grace for us to minister the healthy teaching of God’s eternal economy and build up the church; when we exercise our God-given spirit, we enjoy the empowering grace and we partake of Him as the ever-present grace. Hallelujah! This week […]

Have a Rich Deposit of the Lord’s Healthy Words to Shepherd and Teach the Saints

In 2 Timothy we see that in these last days before the Lord’s coming we need to be empowered in the grace which is in Christ Jesus to be faithful men who have a deposit of the Lord’s healthy words, and we should train the faithful ones that they may have a good deposit and […]