We all as believers in Christ, having an unveiled face, need to behold and reflect like a mirror the glory of the Lord to be transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit; when we’re beholding and reflecting the Lord, we are conformed to His image to shine […]
Beholding and Reflecting the Glory of the Lord to be Transformed into His Image
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, God's economy, His heart's desire, longings, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 2024 MDC, 2024MDCw6d4, 399, 656, 784, become the same as God in life, behold and reflect, behold the glory of the Lord, beholding and reflecting, holy word for morning revival, reflect the glory of the Lord, Ron Kangas, transformed into His image, we are being transformed, we are mirrors beholding Him, Witness Lee
Do all things in the Person of Christ by Beholding and Reflecting Him as our Treasure

To live the Christian life is to do all things in the person of Christ, in the face of Christ, enjoying Him as our indwelling treasure by beholding His glorious face to be infused with Him and be one with Him. Amen! The Christian life is a life of loving God and loving one another […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, love the Lord, morning revival, our birthright, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 1345, 2024 MDC, 2024MDCw1d2, 399, 784, behold and reflect God, Ed Marks, gain Christ as our treasure, holy word for morning revival, in the face of Jesus Christ, in the index of His eyes, in the person of Christ, our indwelling treasure, the Christian life, turn our heart to the Lord, Witness Lee