We Believers are under God’s Disciplinary Judgment Daily to Partake of His Holiness

Our God and Father is holy, He has regenerated us to produce a holy family, and we as His holy children should walk in a holy manner of life; therefore, we are under God’s disciplinary judgment daily so that all our holiness may be removed. Amen! God created the universe in a perfect way, and […]

We can Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Great Light until we Shine like the Sun

As believers in Christ, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the great light shining in the darkness until we shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of our Father! Amen! Christ is the great light shining on those sitting in darkness and rising on those sitting in the region and shadow of death; […]

Grace is the Circulating Triune God Dispensing Himself into us for our Enjoyment

What is grace? Is it just unmerited favour? According to the Bible, grace is God coming to visit us, remain with us, dwell with us, and be everything to us for our enjoyment. Grace is the circulating Triune God flowing in us and dispensing all He is into us for our enjoyment. Hallelujah! And this […]