The Christ in whom we should walk (Col. 2:6) is “the Christ, Jesus the Lord”; this is the corporate Christ, the Body-Christ, the incorporated God, in whom we are baptized and in whom we need to walk daily. Our Christ is wonderful and all-inclusive, and as believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ […]
Walk in the Body-Christ by Enjoying the Corporate Christ and Mutual Sharing of Christ
Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible: the Bachelor God becomes the Married God

As believers in Christ, we have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and now we walk in Him; the Christ in whom we need to walk is the Christ in His full ministry of three stages, and we need to see the progressive revelation of God in the Bible – from the “bachelor God” to […]
Living one Spirit with the Lord until the Spirit and the Bride say, Come, Lord Jesus!

In order for us as believers in Christ to walk in Christ, that is, to walk according to the spirit and by the Spirit as the reality of the good land, we must see that the key to the spiritual fellowship of the regenerated tripartite believers with the consummated Triune God is 1 Cor. 6:17, […]
Walk in Christ by Walking according to the Spirit and by the Spirit to Enjoy Grace

As believers in Christ, we have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and now we need to walk in Him; to walk in Christ is to walk according to the spirit and by the Spirit, for the all-inclusive Spirit dwells in our spirit to be our enjoyment today. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival […]
Spiritual Significance of Pomegranates in the Progress of our Loving Fellowship with Christ

According to the book of Song of Songs, pomegranates have a spiritual significance in the progressive experience of an individual believer’s loving fellowship with Christ, from being beautiful exclusively to the Lord to becoming His private garden for His satisfaction. Amen! The pomegranates are mentioned in particular portions of the Bible and they have a […]
Live in Spirit by Faith in our Complicated Situations to Express the Riches of Life

As we live in the midst of intermixed and complicated situations, we live by faith in God and deny the self to live in spirit to express the riches of life abundantly. The two hundred pomegranates surrounding the capitals at the top of the pillars in the temple signify the expression of the riches of […]
The Fullness of Life in the Church’s Humanity and the Lord’s Voice in her Divinity

We need to grow in life and eventually blossom in life so that we may have the abundance of life, the expression of the fullness of life in the church’s humanity and the Lord’s speaking of warning in the church’s divinity. Wow, amen! The good land is a land of pomegranates. When we look […]