For us to be conformed to the death of Christ is to be put in the mold of Christ’s death; this refers to Christ’s experience of continually putting to death His human life so that He might live by the life of God. As believers in Christ, we need to live as Christ did; […]
Put aside our Human Life to live by God’s Life to Remain in the Mold of Christ’s Death
Taking the Death of Christ as the Mold of our Life to be Conformed to Christ’s Death

In Phil. 3:10 Paul spoke of being conformed to Christ’s death – he desired to take Christ’s death as the mold of his life; we need to take the death of Christ as the mold in which the power of Christ’s resurrection leads us and keeps us. Such a small verse, v. 10 in […]
Sufferings that are for our Transformation vs Sufferings of Christ for His Body

There is a difference between the sufferings that are for our transformation or as a result of our mistakes and the sufferings that are for the Body; we need to experience the power of Christ’s resurrection to share in Christ’s sufferings for His Body, that is, for us to suffer for the Body. The […]
Lose the Soul-Life and Live in Resurrection to Share in Christ’s Sufferings for His Body

We believers in Christ can never participate in Christ’s sufferings for accomplishing redemption, but we must lose our soul-life through death to participate in His sufferings for the producing and building of the church, so that we may enjoy eternal life in resurrection. Amen! On the positive side, we have been captured and captivated […]
Aspire to Know the Fellowship of Christ’s Sufferings by the Power of His Resurrection

We need to aspire to know the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings; first, we receive the power of His resurrection, and then by this power, we are enabled to participate in His sufferings and live a crucified life in conformity to His death. Amen! This week we come to the second part of Phil. 3:10 […]
Live in the Principle of Resurrection by Touching the Spirit to Overcome Death

Resurrection life is life that overcomes death without being damaged or injured by death; the principle of resurrection is that the natural life is put to death and the divine life rises in its place, and the Spirit is the reality of Christ’s resurrection and its power. Hallelujah! Resurrection is truly a mystery to […]
Brought into the Realm of Resurrection: Christ broke through the Barrier of Death

Resurrection means that a man – our Lord Jesus – has broken through the barriers, even through death, and has overcome death to enter into resurrection; now we can live in the realm of resurrection by allowing everything that is natural to pass through death and enter into resurrection. Amen! As believers in Christ, […]