As we are Blended and Restricted in the Divine Fellowship, the Body is kept in Oneness

The divine fellowship is the reality of living in the Body of Christ in the oneness of the Spirit; the divine fellowship blends us and restricts us, keeping us in the oneness of the Body of Christ. We need to realize that we all are members of the Body of Christ, and even as local […]

Practice the Organic Relationship of the Churches in the Fellowship of the Divine Life

We need to see and enter into the fellowship of the churches for their organic relationship; in particular, we need to see and enter into the organic relationship of the churches, which is based on the organic fellowship of the divine life, for all the churches are the one Body of Christ. As believers in […]

Interwoven Fellowship with God and the Saints in the Spirit to be Mingled with God

The one divine fellowship is an interwoven fellowship – the horizontal fellowship with the saints is interwoven with the vertical fellowship with God; this fellowship is everything in our Christian life. In the one Body of Christ, there is only one fellowship, one circulation of blood, which is the fellowship of the divine life, the […]

Remaining in the Fellowship of the Apostles to be in the Fellowship of the Body

The fellowship of the Body of Christ – which is the fellowship among the churches – is the fellowship of the apostles, which issues from the teaching of the apostles. We need to see what is the intrinsic fellowship of the churches (as the local expressions of the unique organic Body of Christ) for their […]

Fellowship is the Flow of the Divine Life within and among us, the Circulation in the Body

We need to see and enter into the intrinsic fellowship of the churches, which is the flow of the eternal life within, through, and among all the members of the Body of Christ, the circulation in the Body of Christ. This week in our morning revival we come to the main topic of, The Intrinsic […]

As we Function Organically in the Church Life, the Triune God moves together with us

As we function organically in the church life, the Triune God moves together with us to speak in us and through us for the building up of the church. The organic function of the organic Body of Christ is in the local expressions of the Body and by the move of the Triune God in […]

Grow in Life and Enjoy Grace to have the Gifts of Life and Function Organically in the Body

The organic function of the church is in the organic Body of Christ and in the local expressions of the organic Body of Christ; we must be organic and function organically in the church life, for we are members of the Body. The church is the Body of Christ, an organic matter; the church is […]