In order for us to live a holy life for the church life, we need the Lord to establish our heart blameless in holiness; our heart is “the switch of life”, so it needs to be renewed, purified, and established by the Lord. Amen! A very simple yet effective way for us to be sanctified […]
We need the Lord to Establish our Heart Blameless in Holiness to live a Holy Life
The Divine Sanctification of the Spirit as the Center of the Divine Economy makes us Holy

The Bible reveals three aspects of sanctification, and the divine sanctification for the divine sonship is the center of the divine economy and the central thought in the New Testament – it is the holding line in the carrying out of the divine economy to sonize us divinely! Amen! In the Scriptures we see three […]
The Will of God is our Sanctification: being Separated unto Him and Saturated with Him

The will of God is our sanctification, that is, that we may be made holy – both separated unto God and saturated with God as the Holy One, and our sanctification is unto sonship. Hallelujah for God’s will! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The Will of God – […]
Present your body, be Renewed in your mind, and be Burning in spirit for the Body Life

For the church life – the life of the Body of Christ – be realized, our entire being is needed: our body needs to be presented, our soul needs to be transformed, and our spirit needs to be burning. As we enjoy Christ as grace, this grace brings with it the element of certain skills […]
We Practice the Body Life by remaining in the Organic Union with the Lord in Spirit

God’s great will is to have the believers in Christ practice the Body life, that is, to have the living of the Body of Christ by the believers in the organic union with the Lord. God’s great will has three main aspects: first, it is to have a Body for Christ to be expanded, enlarged, […]
Christ is the Reality of all the Offerings for us to Worship God in Spirit and Truthfulness

Christ is the reality of the offerings so that we may worship God in spirit and truthfulness (John 4:23-24); as we live daily by enjoying Christ as the reality of all the offerings, we are brought into the building of God with man, the mutual dwelling place of God and man, the church. Praise the […]
Christ Offered His body once for all so that we can Enjoy Him as our Everything!

Hallelujah, Christ offered His body once for all so that we now can enjoy Him as our everything! God’s great will is, on one hand, for Him to have a Body for Christ as His enlargement and expression, and on the other, to have Christ as the replacement for all the sacrifices and offerings in […]