We need to come to the Lord with our toiling and burdens, and He will give us rest; we need to take the Lord’s yoke (the Father’s will) which is easy and His burden (the work to carry out the Father’s will) which is light, and always serve with a burden from the Lord. First […]
Serve God by bearing others’ condition before Him to Speak with a Burden from the Lord
We first Enjoy God and are filled with Him and then Work with Him in Oneness with Him

As the people of God, we must bear a sign that we are God’s by resting with God, enjoying God, and being filled with God first, and then we can work with the One who fills us; we must first enjoy God and be filled with Him before we can work with Him and for […]
We first Rest and are Satisfied with God to enjoy Sabbath Rest and then we Work for God

Hallelujah, Christ is our Sabbath rest, and before we could do anything for God and with God, we need to enjoy Christ, be satisfied with Him, and enjoy rest and satisfaction with Him! In Exo. 31:12-17 we see that, after a long record concerning the building up of God’s dwelling place, there is a repetition […]
Christ gave us His life of Submission; we Learn from Him and God Operates in us

As believers in Christ, we need to come to the Lord with all our toils and burdens and He will give us rest, and we need to take His yoke upon us, being submissive to do the Father’s will even as He did, for Christ’s life of submission is ours. God desires to bring us […]
Come to the Lord with our Toils and Burdens, Take His Yoke upon us and Learn from Him

How precious and encouraging it is that we can come to the Lord with our toils and burdens and He will give us rest, and we can take the Lord’s yoke upon us and learn from Him to find rest for our souls! Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the matter […]
Becoming the Israel of God to Represent God and Execute God’s Government on Earth

When we do the will of God in the kingdom of God under the government of God, the issue is the church as the Israel of God, the church that represents God with His authority to deal with His enemy and bring in the kingdom of God on earth. Amen and amen! May the Lord […]
We should Be Humbled under the Mighty Hand of God and Cast all our Anxiety on Him

We need to be humbled under the mighty hand of God which carries out the government of God, we should cast all our anxiety on Him for it matters to Him concerning us, and God Himself will perfect, establish, strengthen, and ground us. Oh, what a God we have! On one hand our God is […]