In order for us to build up the church as the Body of Christ, we need to practice prophesying, the excelling gift for the building up of the church; this is to practice the scriptural way to meet and to serve (1 Cor. 14:1, 4, 24-25, 31). The will of God is that His Christ […]
We Practice Prophesying in the Meetings for all to Learn and to Build up the Body
May the Lord Recover the Church Meetings in Mutuality with All the Saints Functioning!

The Lord today desires to recover the church meetings in mutuality with all the members functioning for the building up of the Body of Christ. It is not only some particular members who are more gifted or trained that should function; rather, all the members of the Body of Christ should function in their measure, […]
Being Perfected to Function in our Measure in the Meetings for the Building of the Body

What a great need is there for us all to be perfected to function in our measure in the meetings of the church for the building up of the Body of Christ! Our meetings as believers in Christ should always be linked to God’s New Testament economy, and we should speak by focusing on God’s […]
We Enjoy Christ and Function to Exhibit Christ in the Meetings, thus Doing God’s Will

God’s will is in Christ – it is concentrated in Christ and is for Christ, and Christ is everything in the will of God; therefore, we do God’s will as we exhibit Christ in the meetings. Amen! On one hand in the meetings of the church we receive a personal benefit by contacting the Lord, […]
Enter the Sanctuary of God in our Spirit and the Church Meetings to Know God’s Will

In the meetings of the church God makes His will known to us; many wonderful things happen under the surface in the meetings, and when we enter the sanctuary of God, we know God’s will, receive the divine revelation, and God’s way becomes clear to us. If we realize that the will of God is […]
The Meetings of the Church are Important, for we Meet to Know and Do the Will of God

For us to meet with the saints is to know and do the will of God; our purpose and goal on the earth is to do the Father’s will, and we do this by coming to the meetings of the church. This is our last week on the deeper study of the matter of, The […]
Serve the Lord in the Church Life not out of Obligation but with a Burden from the Lord

It is a great problem in the administration of the church, in the service in the church life, and in the ministry of the word when we do things without having a burden from the Lord, for if we do things merely out of obligation, we may not serve the Lord with our whole being. […]