The purpose of God’s calling is to bring His chosen people into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, typified by the good land flowing with milk and honey; Christ is our allotted portion in the light. All the riches of the good land typify the unsearchable riches of Christ in different aspects as the […]
Being in the Light to Enjoy Christ as the Good Land flowing with Milk and Honey
Enjoy our Allotted Portion of the All-inclusive Christ to be Built up as the Church
Christ as the preeminent and all-inclusive One is the allotted portion of the saints in the light (Col. 1:12); the Father qualified us for a share of the allotted portion of the saints. This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Knowing and Experiencing the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ as the Good […]
God’s Will is that we Know and Enjoy Christ, Estimating Everything According to Him
God’s will is that the all-inclusive, extensive Christ be our portion, our life, our constituent, and our peace; we should estimate and evaluate everything according to this all-inclusive, extensive Christ. Furthermore, we need to be infused, saturated, and permeated with the all-inclusive, extensive Christ until in our experience He is everything to us. Amen! If […]
God wants His All-inclusive, Extensive Christ to become our Everything for the Church
God wants that His all-inclusive, extensive, and preeminent Christ would become our everything for the church, the Body of Christ. The Christ unveiled in the book of Colossians is the all-inclusive, extensive, preeminent One, the centrality and universality of God’s economy; God wants to work such a Christ into us so that we may enjoy […]
Seeing a Revelation of the All-inclusive, Extensive Christ and Continually Enjoying Him
The will of God for us – as revealed in Colossians – is that we know the all-inclusive, extensive Christ, experience Him, and live Him as our life. The great will of God for us, His people, doesn’t have to do merely with minor things such as our job, our marriage, our house, our car, […]
Knowing God’s Will and Walking Worthily of the Lord to Live Christ by His Empowering
Having the full knowledge of God’s will issues in walking worthily of the Lord as He strengthens us with might for us to live Christ (Col. 1:9-11). We all need to know the will of God – not only His will for our life or His will for our future and what we should do, […]
Being Filled with the Full Knowledge of God’s Will to make Christ Everything to us
The book of Colossians is a book concerning the great, eternal will of God, and our prayer is that we may be filled with the full knowledge of God’s will. God does everything according to His will; He has a pleasure, a purpose in Christ, and He has the counsel of His will, which is […]