Individualism is hateful in the sight of God, for the self is the enemy of the Body, and when we live in the self, we declare independence from God and from the Body of Christ. When we believed into the Lord Jesus, we were regenerated with the divine life, and we became organic members of […]
Treasuring the other Members of the Body and Denying the Self to be Built up Together
There cannot be Independence or Individualism among the Members in the Body of Christ

In the Body of Christ there can be no independence or individualism, for we are members of the Body, and members can’t live in detachment from the Body; every member is indispensable, and every members is precious in God’s sight. We may know the term, The Body of Christ, but we may not be in […]
We cannot Live without the Supply of the Body; we Live in the Body and see God’s Light

As members of the Body of Christ, we cannot live without the supply of the Body; therefore, we must constantly avail ourselves of the fellowship of the Body and remain in the Body so that we may receive light and supply. Sometimes we may feel dry and unable to go on, and nothing works; we […]
We Receive the Supply of the Spirit by the Intercession and Fellowship of the Members

We receive the supply of the Spirit by the intercession and fellowship of the members of the Body of Christ. When we remain in the Body and are properly related to the fellow members in the Body, we receive the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. According to Psalm 133, the inestimable goodness […]
The Supply of the Body is the Bountiful Supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ

The supply of the Body of Christ is the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, typified by the compound ointment, the holy anointing oil; the compound Spirit is in and for the Body and for the priestly service that build up the Body. This week we come to three further principles of the […]
We Practice the Unique Fellowship of the Universal Body of Christ at the Lord’s Table

There is one Body in the universe, and whenever we come to the Lord’s table, we come to practice the unique fellowship of the universal Body of Christ, for as we partake of His blood and body at His table, we express and practice the unique fellowship among the churches. Hallelujah for the one Body […]
The Unique Fellowship of the Body brings All the Members of the Body into Oneness

The unique fellowship of the Body of Christ is related to the oneness of the Body of Christ, and the fellowship of the Body of Christ is the fellowship among the churches. Our God is faithful, and in Him we were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9). […]