As those who have been regenerated and made ambassadors of God, we need to be one with Christ to be “the acting God” in expressing Him and representing Him, and we should not misrepresent God in front of His people. An ambassador is one who represents a higher authority and expresses the feeling and thoughts […]
We must be one with Christ as His Ambassadors to be the Acting God Representing Him
We are Qualified to be an Ambassador of Christ by being Fully Reconciled to God

When we have been fully reconciled to God and have been enlarged in heart, we can represent God rightly in His economy, for we are qualified to be an ambassador of Christ. As believers in Christ we have been reconciled to God from sin because of the death of Christ on the cross. Whenever we […]
Being Fully Reconciled to God causes us to be Enlarged in our Heart for the Church

Being fully reconciled to God causes us to be enlarged in our heart for the church, and how large our heart is depends on the degree of our reconciliation to God. We see this from the sequence in 2 Corinthians, where in ch. 5 Paul spoke of the ministry of reconciliation and his beseeching the […]
We need to be Fully Reconciled to God from Sins and from the living in the Flesh

In order for us to be fully reconciled to God, we need to go through two steps, first to be reconciled to God from sin, and then to be fully reconciled to God from the flesh. The apostle Paul had the ministry of reconciliation, and he beseeches the believers in Corinth to be fully reconciled […]
Being Fully Reconciled to God by being Brought into God to be One with the Lord

As believers in Christ, we have been initially reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, but now we need to be further reconciled to God by being brought into God to be in God and one with God practically. We were born in our sins and offenses, enemies of God and strangers to the covenant of […]
Shepherd the Saints as a Nursing Mother and an Exhorting Father for the Church Life

The apostles were a pattern of the glad tidings that they spread, and Paul shepherded the saints as a nursing mother and an exhorting father, imparting to them not only the gospel but even his own soul and life; we need to shepherd the saints in a similar manner. In the Gospels and in other […]
We need to Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus for the Church

We need to shepherd people according to the pattern of the Lord Jesus in His ministry for the carrying out of God’s eternal economy. The Lord Jesus came to seek and save that which is lost, and He did so by shepherding us. The New Testament shows us the saving love and tender care of […]