Praise is the way to display Christ’s victory and overcome spiritual attacks; when we run out of strength to pray, when we’re oppressed or wounded, we should just remember, Why not praise God? Amen, we praise God! Satan’s ultimate goal is to stop our praises to God, for he knows that, when we praise God, […]
When we Praise God we Glorify Him, He moves His Hand, and we Transcend Everything
We should Offer a Sacrifice of Praise to God even when we Suffer and are Afflicted

The nature of praise is an offering – we need to offer a sacrifice of praise, even from our suffering, pain, and loss; when we praise the Lord in every situation, we display Christ’s victory and we overcome spiritual attacks. When the Bible speaks of praise, it says that we need to offer up through […]
Praising the Lord Enthrones and Exalts Him and makes us Soar in our Christian life

Praise is the highest work carried out by God’s children and the highest expression of our spiritual life; praising the Lord is the way to soar in our Christian life. We have been enjoying the matter of the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, and now we come to the matter of […]
The Body is one with the Head, so we have the Authority to Bind and Loose in Prayer

If we see that the Body is one with the Head in the heavens, we as the church will exercise the authority of the Head to bind and loose what has already been bound and loosed in the heavens. This is because in our daily living we realise we are members of the Body of […]
Seeing the Prayer of the Church as the Body of Christ and Claiming what He has Obtained

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to see the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ and pray such a prayer, claiming what the Lord has obtained to fulfill His purpose. For us to enter the spiritual warfare and deal with God’s enemy, we need to […]
Seeing the Meaning of Christ’s Ascension and the Position and Authority of the Church

For us to enter into the prayer of the age, we need a heavenly vision to see the meaning of Christ’s ascension, see the position and authority of the church as the Body of Christ. By the Lord’s grace and mercy, may many saints in the church life in the Lord’s recovery have the reality […]
We’re Being Built up in the Body to Fight under the Blessing of God and Take the Land

As believers in Christ, we are being built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for the carrying out of God’s economy, and we are being made ready to take the good land and fight under the blessing of God in His Divine Trinity. The history of the children of Israel is a […]