The church is the enlargement of Christ, and, as revealed in Hebrews, the church is the real Sabbath rest and the church is the unshakable kingdom of God; coming to the church is coming to the new covenant and to the heavenly New Jerusalem. There are many wonderful and glorious aspects of the church revealed […]
The Church is the present Sabbath Rest and the Unshakable Kingdom of God today
Christ is God’s Appointed Heir, and we are His Joint-Heirs, Christ’s Partners

In this universe God has a great divine operation, which is to accomplish a glorious expression of Himself; the church is a corporate partnership with Christ, and we are Christ’s partners and His joint heirs in God’s corporation. Wow! All this can be seen in Heb. 3:14, 1:9, and in other portions such as Rom. […]
Living by the Divine Life, with an Uplifted Humanity, by the Cross in the Church life

It is so amazing to realize that the church is not only the gathering of God’s called out ones but also an organism with two lives and two natures – the human nature and the divine nature, and therefore we should be those living by the divine life in the church life today. The epistle […]
The Church is a Living Composition of the Sons of God, the many Brothers of Christ

The book of Hebrews reveals that we are the many brothers of Christ, who is the Firstborn Son of God, and the church is a living composition of the many sons of God, who are the many brothers of Christ. Hallelujah! The book of Hebrews is full of encouragement, first of all to remain with […]
As Minister of the True Tabernacle, Christ Ministers Himself to us by His Dispensing

The ascended Christ is a Minister of the holy places, even of the true tabernacle (see Heb. 8:2); as such a One, Christ ministers Himself to us as food, as our life supply, in the way of dispensing. The actual reason that the epistle to the Hebrews was written and sent to the Hebrew believers […]
Standing in the Position of Ascension to Pray with Authority and Execute God’s Commands

As believers in Christ and members of the Body of Christ, we need to respond to Christ’s heavenly ministry of intercession by standing in the position of ascension and pray with authority, one with Christ, to execute God’s commands. Our ascended head, Christ, is now in heaven interceding for us, and He as the Spirit […]
We need to Respond to Christ’s Intercession by Exercising our Spirit to Intercede

Christ in the heavens as our High Priest intercedes for us before God, the Spirit in our spirit joins us in our weakness to intercede for us according to God, and we need to respond to Christ’s intercession by exercising our spirit to enter into His interceding life. On the one hand, the ascended Christ […]