Our Lord Jesus is the Author of our faith, and He is the Perfecter of our faith; He is the Originator of our faith, and He is the Completer of our faith, and when we look away unto Him, we are infused with Him as faith continually to run the race with endurance and finish […]
Contacting the Living Lord to be Infused with Him as Faith and be Perfected in Faith
Faith makes us Pleasing to God, for Faith is to Believe that God is and We are NOT

Without faith it is impossible to please God, to make Him happy, for whoever comes forward to God must believe that God is; we need to believe that God is and we are not – this is the real denial of the self, and this is faith. All believers in Christ, those who had a […]
Exercising our Spirit of Faith, our Sixth Sense, to be Assured of the Things of God

Our Christian life is a life of faith; faith is a substantiating ability, a sixth sense, the sense by which we substantiate God and all the things of God, and this sense and ability is implanted into us by Christ through His Word and His appearing. Our faith as believers is not actually ours; we […]
Looking Away unto Jesus to be Infused with Himself as our Faith and Run the Race

As believers in Christ, our faith doesn’t originate from ourselves but it is our appreciation of Christ as a reaction to His attraction; our faith as believers is Christ entering into us to be our faith as we are looking away unto Jesus! This is a revolutionizing concept, since many believers may pray like Peter, […]
Put away any Encumbrance to Run the race with Endurance by Looking away unto Jesus

We need to put away any encumbrance and the entangling sin, and run the race with endurance, looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, the One who attracts us like an immense magnet. Our Christian life is a race, and every saved Christian must run the race to win the prize; […]
Having a Cloud of Witnesses Surrounding us, let us Run the Race to Win the Prize!

As believers in Christ, we are on the way – which is Christ, and we are running the race with endurance, being surrounded by a cloud of witnesses who encourage us in our Christian life. Hallelujah! Therefore we should put away every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and run with endurance […]
Go Outside the Camp to Christ and Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise through Christ

In Hebrews 13:1-19 we see many virtues and experiences which we need not only for our personal Christian life but for the practice of the church life; such experiences include brotherly love, practicing hospitality, holding on to Christ, following Jesus outside the camp, and offering a sacrifice of praise to God through Christ. After unveiling […]